As an operator at LEO Pharma Ballerup, I am responsible for ensuring that our tablet packaging and labeling machinery runs smoothly and efficiently.
I see my work as a crucial link in the chain running from research and development through manufacturing, marketing, sales and finally ending with our customers and patients. Why is that? Because for the individual using our products, the medical efficacy is highly dependent on the product's protective and user-friendly packaging and labeling.
I was introduced to LEO Pharma in 1985, when I was in my early 20s. My parents had a neighbor who used to work here and who asked me if I was interested in joining LEO Pharma. I applied, went for an interview, was asked by HR if I was seeking full-time or part-time work – and the rest, as they say, is history.
I've worked in a number of different capacities: While working abroad, I’ve been responsible for testing technical solutions and concepts before their implementation at a LEO Pharma production facility. I’ve written SOPs. I’ve worked with tablet manufacturing. And currently I'm focused on fine-tuning and implementing equipment for getting some of our bottled products ready for our customers.
My appreciation for LEO Pharma is reflected not only by the fact that I’ve dedicated my entire career to this company. What I especially admire and appreciate is what LEO Pharma has done and is doing for patients. LEO Pharma is a place where people with a certain skill or talent are given the chance to solve a single problem: reducing the burden of disease for people whose only commonality may be their skin disorder. I find that quite wonderful!
I have also enjoyed serving – for several years now – as an employee-elected board member in the LEO Foundation, LEO Holding A/S and LEO Pharma A/S itself. My activities in the board room have, among other things, taught me to state my opinion loudly and clearly – even when it might be easier to say nothing. The learnings and experiences I have gained from my 25 years as a board member have built me up, strengthened me and to a considerable extent made me the person I am today.
Despite my career with LEO Pharma being longer than most of my colleagues’, I feel every bit as excited about LEO Pharma's future as someone who just joined and has everything ahead of them at LEO Pharma.